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Harmony in Chinese and Western Architectural Aesthetic
欢迎您来到西洋楼遗址景区!这里是欧洲建筑传播到中国以来的第一个具备群组规模的完整作品,也是首次将东西方两个建筑体系加以结合的创造性的尝试。 在这条以 “融贯中西, show 外汇中”为主题的解说路径中,您将领略到中国建筑文化艺术在欧式建筑里的完美运用。路径总长大约800米,游览全程约30分钟,下面就开始我们的艺术之旅吧!
Welcome to Xiyanglou area! It is China's first replica European-style garden. The theme of this interpretive trail is “Harmony in Chinese and Western Architectural Aesthetic”. During the trail, you will find how perfect the combination of Chinese culture and European architecture is. The total length is 800 meters and the trail may take a 30-minute walk. Now let's start the artistic journey!
1、谐奇趣 the Harmonious Wonder ——琉璃妙用添华彩
在欧式建筑中,如何让屋顶美观是令建筑师十分头痛的事情。而谐奇趣的屋顶采用了象征着中心和大地的黄色琉璃瓦,表现至高无上的皇权和统治。琉璃瓦的使用不仅让屋顶非常 壮观和美丽,还解决了建筑师的难题。
The roof of Xieqiqu adopted the yellow glazed tile, standing for the center and earth, displaying the supreme imperial power and rule. The use of the tile was not only made the roof spectacular.
2、黄花阵 The Labyrinth ——镶字雕花饰迷宫
黄花阵采用法国园林手法,由一道道植物隔墙组成大规模迷宫,并配以引人入胜的中国传统吉祥动物,如蝙蝠、梅花鹿、仙鹤等。“无刻不成屋,有刻斯为贵” ,雕花砖面让这座欧式迷宫弥漫着东方艺术的馨香。
Huanghuazhen was a large French-style maze. Many auspicious animals, for example bat, deer, were carved on the wall. All the pictures made the building more spectacular.
3、养雀笼 the Aviary——牌楼门券有奇趣
Yangquelong was a west-style door, used to link up the western and eastern area of Xiyanglou. It was the combination of Chinese and western architecture. The west side is a Chinese big archway and the east side is a European-style gate. Between the archway and coupons, there were big cages keeping the peacocks.
4、方外观 the Belvedere——重檐华殿建造精
方外观的故事让人想到凡尔赛花园的特里阿农宫——路易十四为自己的皇后修建的别墅。椭圆形的窗户,精致的小阳台,分段装饰的角柱都透露出柔美的趣味与俏皮的情调。屋 顶的中国传统重檐外观也使得这座建筑显得独特,精巧而不失大体。
The story of Fangwaiguan made us think of Grand Trianon in Versailles Palace---the villa that Louis XIV built for his queen. The roof with Chinese traditional double-eaved roof appearance also made this building unique, exquisite and decent.
5、五竹亭 The Bamboo Pavilions——竹韵玻璃显清奇
Wuzhuting were made by wood and bamboo, decorated with colorful glasses and shells. In ancient China, bamboo represented elegant. The glasses made the bamboo more gentle and natural.
6、海晏堂 Haiyan Hall——十二肖兽聚晏堂
海晏一词有“河清海晏,国泰民安”之意。这里是西洋楼景区最大的一处园林景观,正楼西向,以其池边排列十二生肖人身兽头青铜坐像而著名。十二兽首按时辰依次喷水,午时 群首齐射,场面十分壮观。十二肖兽取代西方裸体雕像,在引入西方建筑艺术的同时不失中 国传统价值观念。
Haiyan has the meaning of the country flourishes and people live in peace. Here was the largest garden sight in the European Palaces Area. It's famous with 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle if human births jetting water.
7、远瀛观 Yuan Yingguan——异宝奇珍驻远瀛
异宝奇珍驻远瀛 “琉璃宝顶炫异彩,通体雕琢韵悠扬。玉柱垂花纹饰美,丰姿绰约摹西洋。满宫家具来 海外,法皇赠毯挂高墙。 ”这里曾经藏有的众多中西宝物珍品,早已被强盗掠空。刻有葡萄 纹式的立柱与龙凤云海的中式皇家雕刻隔山相望,一同回忆着鼎盛时的辉煌。
Here had been many Chinese and Western treasures, but had been stolen by invaders. The pillars here were carved in detail from top to bottom in patterns of hanging grapes with life-like vines and leaves, this were contrasted with Chinese dragon-phoenix style.
8、大水法 Dashuifa——十犬逐鹿戏水法
这里是西洋楼景区最壮观的喷泉景观,菊花形水池中,使用具有中国特色的狮子头、猎 犬和鹿等动物形态取代西方以人物为主体的形式, 场面壮观有趣。 西洋楼的背景中融合猎狗 逐鹿的中国特色典故,不知这里是否代表乾隆帝曾有“逐鹿世界”的野心和梦想……
Dashuifa was a garden sight featuring fountains, and here had the grandest fountains scenery. In an oval pond was a hunting scene: a deer, 10 bronze dogs jetted water to a deer, this presented a magnificent display.
9、观水法 Guanshuifa——帝座面北把水观
这里曾是皇帝观看喷泉的地方, 由大理石雕成的平台上有中式宝座一个, 两旁各是一个 铜铸的口衔一根铜杆的仙鹤, 杆上横布五色玻璃六棱流苏, 座后是刻有欧洲军事装备图形的 围屏,与前方的中式宝座形成鲜明对比,而皇帝为了观赏壮观的水景,也改变了自古以来帝 王宝座坐北朝南的传统。
Here was place where the emperor watched the fountain. A Chinese throne was placed on the platform with a Europe military equipment graphics screens engraved behind the throne.
10、线法山 Xianfa Hill——线法观园隐约间
线法二字即为西洋焦点透视法之意。山上建有一座双檐八角四券西式亭,东西辟有西式 牌楼和凯旋门,而登山道旁则是具有中国特色的黄绿色琉璃矮墙。小山虽小,但道路曲折,两旁古树茂密,站在不同的位置可以观赏到不同的风景,体现了中国古典园林的造景手法。
There was a double roof western-style pavilion on the Xian fa Hill, on the east of the hill was a Chinese archway, and the west was a western Triumphal arch. The hill also reflected the classical Chinese garden landscaping practices.
结束总结:融合让建筑文化更灿烂 走完这段路程, 相信您已经了解中西建筑文化的特点了——西方建筑的线性对称和东方 建筑表现性。西洋楼景区的建筑不仅仅是两种建筑风格的体现,更是两种文化的完美融合。 希望这条路径带给您美的享受,更引起您的思考和深入探索。欢迎您再来!
Combination makes the architecture culture more magnificent After going over the trail, you may have a brief idea about the characteristics of Chinese and western architectural aesthetic----Linearly symmetric in western architecture and performance in eastern architecture. The buildings in Xiyanglou area is the combination of the two architecture-styles and cultures. May the path pleasing you and make you think. Welcome you come again.
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